Hardees, Mecca
Surprisingly, finding good food in Mecca and Madina was quite difficult! I’m not sure whether this is because I’m quite picky, or whether I’m reluctant to eat at street food stalls while I’m abroad, or perhaps it’s just that I lost my glasses while I was on Umrah.
Either way, I thought I’d share some places I ate at because of how important having a good diet is while you’re there. You will be using a lot of energy during your Tawaf, walking from Mosque to Hotel, etc so will need to eat properly!
This was from Hardee’s, wasn’t the most tasty burger but did the job!

Quite cheap, but make sure to stand in line attentively as people will push in front of you (esp the locals)!
Also… they have a separate line for men and women so stand in the correct line! This is located inside the building with the clocktower.. enter through the main entrance and take a lift to P3.